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Old December 11th, 2001, 04:33 AM   #36
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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
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Originally posted by WarriorJello
Oh, but they are! But I've only seen Spree spin alone, never with any of his buds. I've seen him 3 or 4 times, he does travel so he isn't always around Minnesota, which is where I am. I wish I could see him more, but he's quite popular, so he can't just chill in my room like I want him to

Spree spun last summer with Muppetfucker (Noahfx) in St. Paul.

Heh... don't post often here... usually just to get info, never expected to see a member of the Minneapolis crew on these boards Good to see at least *someone* in this city likes HHcore~!

Wish I could have been there for the party~!
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