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Old November 26th, 1999, 10:25 PM   #65
Join Date: Nov 1999
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most memorable parties:

DIY NYE - omg, best party ever, really showed me what the scene was about, i finally understood it all, i met a whole shit load of ppl that nite, and someone that changed my life forever, he knows who he is...

Hulla 9 big top - meeting tones of ppl from the board, after being on the board for so long and finally meeting them, face to face, too cool! also, can you say MASHY???

first PC party - wow, what a nite, it was like underground, and commerical at the same time, hehe, i still remember when joe was runnning up and down the hall and then drawing nude pics on the wall! *L*

the space - man i miss that place, meeting a shit load of ppl, dancing, huggin the speakers, dressing up for a -friday- nite party, hehe, how retarded was that...

purerave 1 year - again meeting tones of ppl, and meeting up wiff my jedi crew for the first time, wiff all of them in the same room, was really fun! and ofcourse being wiff my date, destiny all nite! hehe *hugz*

liquid (mineapolis) - the drive down was INSANE, then getting lost for, like 5 hours, in a unknown party, wiff tones of thugs, then playing a game wiff my new found friend "how many thugs can you piss off in one nite?" hehe, i lost, thank god, the other guy almost got killed, but it was fun, the driving home threw customs, baked, sketched, tired, dirty, hungry, etc.

rcmp - seeing old friends, at a new time, good tunes, tones of fun! great dancing, got to really chill wiff tha JOELY! hehe *hugz*

infiltrate 2 - yes yes, memories of me and tha baby raver at infiltrate 1, that was INSANE, "yah, we're planning on going sober this evening" two hours later, opps, "are you fucked on a lamp? coz i am!" that guy who kept on lookin' at me and baby raver and said we made a cute couple, and that guy that was really messed up that thought i was a guy coz of the way me and baby were like laying ontop of each other, and then ofcourse sean getting kicked out, standing outside in the cold like a lost puppy waiting for us... awww

jedi e1 - omg, the nervious break down i had, the day before the party, then the day of the party, the excitement, the orgy wiff baby raver and halo, and then the nervious wreck of getting permasketch to waterloo to pick us up... getting to the venue, only to find i couldn't get in, finally getting in, and freaking out, everyone wanting to talk to me, then baby raver tellin' them "give her 5 minutes" and i like, crawled into a ball on the floor and FREAKED OUT... then everyone showing up and doing an amazing set up in 15 minutes, all thanks to my wikid crew, i love you guyz, then the drunkin mattys, omg, you two are NEVER EVER SPINNING TOGETHER AGAIN!
hanging out wiff the bathroom crew, omg, kyle and jacque etc, what a bunch of characters, during adams set some guy going up to jenny saying "hi i'm the famous dj virus, wanna go in the corner and make out" HAHAHHA OMG LMAO
then the mashed out baby raver and halo hehe,
and again, still everyone trying to talk to me at once,
and sitting back and watching everyone having fun dancing, and chillin, and then me, bustin some movies wiff my life long liquid partener fauxfur! hehe
then frolic's set, and having a lite sabor battle on stage wiff specs, heheheheh,
getting put in a head lock numiors times by ppl,
oh yah i forgot when the cbc showed up, baby raver threw them out, and they kept on trying to get in and i repeatidly tellin' them "NO GO AWAY" then we told them some lie, and yadda yaddda yadda... and then the passed out matty, hahahhahaha, that was just, too funnie fer words, and subsonics set was AMAZING, so was what i heard of tha therapist, every set except for m&m was fuckin' wikid that nite!
hehe *HUGZ 2 jedi crew*

and i haven't partyed since,
well i stopped in on Double trouble, but it sucked so i left...
so ya,
thats it...

Tamarra, aka plure

[This message has been edited by plurette (edited 11-26-1999).]
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