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Old November 28th, 1999, 09:49 PM   #72
Alison Wonderland
Join Date: Jul 1999
Location: Etobicoke
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This is the best thread Will!!!!

In the order that they come to mind:

Delicate Beats
Sandy, I was going to say
"Do the Bearcat" on the way to Delicate Beats. It's by David Wilcox btw. And I did give the record to Marty.. but alas, I have yet to hear it
Meeting everyone. Jen*!!
How DID we get stuck in the car without a tape deck?!

PLAN B!!!!!!!!
How will I EVER forget that? Throwing that party in 3 days? At work with the phone constantly ringing... Ryan, Tommy? Do we have a place? Do we have DJs?!! My boss pretending not to notice that I'm throwing a rave on company time!!!!
Thank you so much for making that work, everyone! Tommy, Ryan and I were talking about this on Friday.. about how you definitely didn't get the credit you deserved for that! *muah*
Busting my ankle dancing to Rob's set.
Then standing on the speaker looking at the crowd thinking "wow, people are LOVING this" and then someone coming up to me and saying "THANK YOU so much for throwing this party!" Realizing that there are so many DJs out there who care about the scene!

Just meeting Jen* and having her say "come with me... I've got room" and boom. Off to WEMF. I have so many memories from that weekend. I'm just not going to get into it Right Tommy?!

You said it all Tommy. Coffee Break? The first time I got to see Silver1 spin <-- you showed those Ottawa kids what Happy Hardcore was my friend!

Leaving the party and going to the Parliament Hill outside party and getting Marty to buy me a popsicle (thanks! )

THEN, the next night
A journey beyond
Roy Davis Jr. with the fucked up crew! At the same place as Release... Amazing! Meeting my sweet soul sister, Lauri.

Wow... thanks so much to all the people who made this year so fantastic for me. I keep thinking of more and more and more things... and I just don't know where to stop!

Conrad. I love you guys. That night, partying under the stars. Wow. I've never seen bonding quite like that. What a vibe. Singing Billy Jean to who? Kevin? Andrew BITING the record in frustration!

and then leaving with Pete (me falling asleep in the car.. he he) to go to Kingston, waiting for the Shuttle that never came.

Paradigm Shift
last minute ride from Frisky (thanks so much Chris). Nice of me to fall asleep in the car the ENTIRE WAY THERE AND BACK and waking up to see Chris sticking his head out of the window to stay awake "you okay Chris?".
That party was amazing too! So many good parties. Jen* and Molly being such dirty awful messes at the end of the night!

Kic Kit
in Ottawa. Under the stars..

oh my god... I forgot the

Ottawa 3-day
Total Erin bonding. going into town for a discounted meal because we were going to leave because it took too long. Going to a club because the cops shut down the party. Heading back the next morning in time for Marty's and Capital J's sets!

Glaude at Limelight
How fun was that? Everyone was there. Ryan and I were talking about this as well saying how it summed up our entire summer of partying. Everyone was there.. kicking it to some wicked breaks and then having to go to work the next morning. Thank god for Wake Ups! I remember shaking so hard the whole day because the only reason I was up was because of caffeine.

I just noticed that most of the memories are about who I met and the little things that happened after or before the parties. Hmmm.. interesting!!!

Syrous 6 year
finding Andrew there and spending the whole night watching him be an e-tard

That was just such an amazing vibe. Watching Tom be an e-tard. Alison, Alison, you can't go anywhere without telling me! Please! Don't go!!
Saying goodbye to Taera

Syrous - Bittersweet
Right after my break-up with Harry (fitting title!). Realizing that all I needed was a bunch of friends and good times. Thanks so much to the fucked up crew (although, I know that none of them read this). Bonding with Jamie all night. Hymes...

ah yes
One Sound
An all jungle party. Yes yes... Hymes and I bonding again. It had been FAR too long.

Just an all around wicked party. Seeing EVERYONE that I knew. Dancing to amazing music ALL NIGHT LONG... coming to the party straight from Stratford and going to see another play after it was done. Deadly!

Techno Invasion
Speaking of dancing all night long. Mark EG breaking the records!! Meeting so many amazing people. Dancing until it was DONE! And, well, until I was done.

Oh My God. So many parties. So many memories.

Sitting around talking to Carson all night realizing that it was possible that I wouldn't stay heartbroken forever . Listening to Gabber going "oh my god. I need to get out of here" and when I couldn't take it anymore, Kid Epic's set came on with the most beautiful trance ever

The drunk guys coming in and crashing the party and me thinking that they were monsters! Setting up for EBF 2 and having Pete run in and give me the biggest hug ever!

The rave at the Wave when Pete was spinning
Hee hee. Getting so drunk that I started pouring my own drinks from the tap when the bartenders weren't looking. Having the best deep heart to heart with Eric.

Kathy and I running into the HH room after Marty's set screaming "OH MY GOD!" and everyone saying "I want what she's got".. haha. And then after Frisky's set talking to Kathy saying "was that the best set you've ever heard... EVER...oh wait..." People saying "SKO is here?!"

And THIS memory from every party since 3-day:
Random person: "oh my GOD! What ARE you on?!"
Me: "nothing"
Person: "are you SERIOUS?!"
NOTHING beats partying sober!

Marty's party last night
going by myself and finding people that I knew there and having the best time!! Dirty dancing with the padded pole! Getting a little bit buzzed! Nothing beats a comedian at a party.

-saying this quote a few too many times:
"I'm NEVER doing effedrine again!"

wax on wax off
deciding to go LAST minute. Hearing some amazing jungle and then when I was getting tired, finding out that the people I went with were not even CLOSE to wanting to go <ahem>. THEN, Marty McFly coming on and turning the night around 100%. Having my friends come up and say "did you still want to leave?" and responding "get out of my way, can't you see I'm dancing?!"... That's the night that Marty McFly became my favourite DJ!

Rough. The night after wax on wax off. Waiting all night to hear Marty play and finding out that he wasn't coming! It ended up being a fun party though. As soon as I stopped trying to go into the house room!

Okay.. that's it for now.

Wow, you guys make partying so much fun!!! To all my party buddies, I love you guys!

[This message has been edited by Alison Wonderland (edited 11-28-1999).]
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