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Old February 18th, 2002, 01:22 PM   #28
monstercan-D's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Shirking work
Please have a multi-room party in May! It's nice to have a change of pace, and a little more room to dance. My night out really didn't get going until 4am, cuz there wasn't any room to dance before that!

I expected a few more hugs, but maybe because my standards are high (Space Invader, Group Hug). I got rid of a lot of bracelets (thanx thumpdaddy and sorry 'bout your night!)

My only complaints are venue-related. The slippery stairs, the narrow stairs, and the sardine can that was the maind dance floor. It was a little hard to understand the MCs for awhile.

I'd call it an average Hulla, which still a great party!
Make it one to remember, folks.
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