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Old December 7th, 1999, 05:34 PM   #53
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Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Teedot (parkdale), ON
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Hey everyone!

I'd just like to start off and thank Frolic for putting this all together, and all the dj'z n raverz who made Hulla 13 so incredibly amazing!!

To anyone who rememberz me, I wuz the boi with the yellow tie, blue "dRas" hat, costco name tag, punkass-pig in pocket, and the chunky neon eyebrow ring =)

Spaz, carly, sparklez, jay (hullabaloooser =P), joshE, brennan, Sunni-E-d, and the ridley krew, all the familiar faces from st. kittz (and area) u all are so amazing, why don't we do thiz more often??

Jay from buffalo, thankz for the hard-candy-starburst (can't wait til we can get thoz in canada) n all the stickerz... roches, I always luv partyin with u..glad u made it for hulla! LittleboYblUe!! you're the best snugglebudE a boi could hope for..wish u could've stuck around for the trip to sketchymcdonaldz.. next time my boi, next time.. be expectin a visit from Spaz, Jess and I soooooon =) Amb.. I'm still shocked i wuz able to point u out.. so glad u were there =))Grimmlok, it wuz my pleasure holding bently, too bad he got a lil too much hullagoo on him.. phunphur, about the ticket.. anytime u need.. i'm here for ya (the powerz of fedex astound me!) Jessica from mississauga, thankz for the bracelet n the two-hour-early-morning-dance-marathon.. the mississauga mall and goderich await us!!

Albert n Orin, amazing mid-morning socializing.. thanx for the great conversation.. Orin, sorry I couldn't catch yer set at Limelight on sunday.. Albert what can i say, you're a celebrity in st. kittz.. only use your fame for the powerz of good!! I as well, join u in your shout out to the candy mistress!

Pete, sorry that ur set wuz shut down early...grrrr.. you're still my trance god =)

To everyone else I met, laughed, danced with and otherwise shared tha good vibe.. thank u for such a spectakular time, I'll be at hulla 14 wearing bellz (and gawd knowz wot else!)

much plur + some additional luv on the side,

dRas (robb)
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