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Old April 12th, 2002, 12:17 PM   #8
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: London, Ontario have tons of the Masonic Temple - great crowd shots from the balconey. Wow, what a party - !

If you want to see a picture of my husband, he's on the web! Last weekend we went to 416 Production's "Energy Nation" party at the Palaise Royale. To get a look at Rob, go to:

Then click on 416-Productions Energy Nation photo gallery. A gallery of pics will come up. He's the fifth one down, in the first column. The huge guy with the bright orange vest standing next to the guy with the happy glasses on.

Yes, Rob is "older" - 41!

I used to party A LOT so I was quite visible on the web as far as photos. Now I don't even know if those websites are even up and running anymore.

...ahhhh....a time gone.....

(Gets hanky out of pocket, dabs eyes, adjusts bifocals....)
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