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Old May 12th, 2002, 08:38 PM   #12
KarmicKande's Avatar
Join Date: May 2000
Location: none of yer damn business. now git off mah porch!
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i had an amazing time. i met so many new people, and had absolutely no problems during the night. i only actually got into the party around 12ish, cuz unfortunately i had to work. which sucks, cuz i was looking forward to elixer's set.

i kinda missed frisky's set, as i was busy talking.

im not the biggest jungle fan, but marcus did spin some great tracks. i took the time during his set to (with the help of sabryna) make up about 24 word bubbles from bristol board i brought. best idea ever! i got so many good pictures throughout the night. i'll post them on my site asap.

frolic. amazing set. didnt stop dancing! good luck to the next five years. *clink!*

force: yaaaaaaaaaay! i was saving my confetti until heart of gold, which, YES, was spun! ahhhh! great set!

dminus: as good as ever

subsonic chronic: fukkin right! sounded like hard psychedelic trance to me! did i hear infected mushroom? i didnt stop dancing for your entire set.

silver1 you ended the night on a great night. i had to leave a little early tho.

but yay! i had fun! shouts to: sabryna, ashley, gumme, blair, spun and her friend (sorry), lloyd, steph, sarah, jessie, tara, kandeegirl, mouse, jenn with the bubbles, mauiwowiebooty, that girl... she said she was subsonic's sister... you fukkin rule!, allie, emily, everybodies daddy, justin, erin, lisa, leeeeaaaaaahhhh! umm... EVERYONE. i met, and... talked to way too many people to remember.

i cant wait for my pics.

*sigh* its too bad anna couldnt come.
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follow the white rabbit...
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