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Old May 13th, 2002, 03:37 AM   #38
BeBe's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Up My Ass and Around the Corner
Yes yes yes. Another Hulla come and gone. Here are my thoughts.


elixir - tried to make it for your whole set but got lost at the Queen st. closing. What I heard was enjoyable... a good set to start off my night. Walked around a lot. Didn't dance. Needed beer.

frisky - some good tracks I hadn't heard before. Always impressed with your skills on the decks. Got me pumped for all the hhc goodness to come.

marcus - wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. A nice meal for my recent hunger for jungle. After wandering around at 1am looking for hullaboard people in the upstairs area, went downstairs for a nice stretch of dancing. Needed it. Very much. Thank you for that.

frolic - this was my favourite set of the night. Danced my ass off. Time went by far too quickly. Unfortuntely tired myself out to the point of not having any more energy for Force's set. Just went with it though, felt good. Loved your speech at the end. I was expecting you to say something long and rehearsed, but instead you said all that needed to be said in one short sentence.

force - Great set. I wish I had more energy for it and that I didn't have a pounding headache. Made it through, though... I just held on to the railing upstairs for dear life and closed my eyes, savouring the moment. It was spiritual to say the least.


- dani: yer one of a kind. I'll turn you into a raver yet. first, work on your spatial skills a little. Loved your balloon mistletoe bit. It'll work someday
- J-Karlos: we must hang out again sometime. I only really talked (i.e. yelled over the music) with you for like, 10 mins. ICQ me. We will chat.
- everybodies_daddy: I've already said this, c-u-t-e. Sorry about your car. I'm sure we will meet again.
- brite: I'm so glad I recognized you from your pictures. Saved me from further making an ass of myself, searching 19+ for hulla board people. You seem very sweet. Again, I'm sure I'll see you sometime.
- soju: a surprise to finally meet you. I will tell Pauly that i did. Then he will deny he has ever even been to one of those "rave parties", because Jesus wouldn't approve of it (just kidding paul).

All in all, I had an excellent time at this party. Even though it was too hot and I found the security to be rude, it didn't ruin things for me. I got my pokey taken away and forgot to pick it up. Damn.

Kudos on another successful night. I look forward to the next.

Jesus loves you... everyone else thinks you're an idiot.
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