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Old August 5th, 2002, 03:28 AM   #8
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ahhhhh, inevitable post-3 day bitchiness... like a warm blanket

Well where should I start?!? I could list off the millions and billions of lil hillarious/sketchy/crazy/fun/terrible times.. but I don’t have a week to type them...

f i r s t: the ride up
fabulous, the easiest 3 day trip up ever, no stress great people (adam, nessa, and will) and arrived at a suitable time. Got there to Kellan and the everyone, met up with Fawn and we all set up our tenting village ~let the raving begin~

f r i d a y: craz-y
crack times were had... we were still clean so that was lovely *high fives cotter for our cleanliness* I spent the night with everyone, dancing, laughing, crazy adventures... the music was ok, the people were better.. although there were a few key people missing... the night was definitly the least sketchy of all for everyone... and I went to bed a tad early to rest and make m body not hate me

s a t u r d a y: sketch-Y
lets have a lil talk...Jib? NO!~ pounds of jib? NO NO~! -that is my advice for the few who have enough brain cells to learn-
beach times Saturday afternoon, fab-u-lous... *tips her hat to Shann for bein’ my parnter in crime* the amount of things that went on this day are actually too much to get into, BUT i will say wemf = drugs and as funny as it was at times...people need to stop when they can still function. Josh the Funky 1 - I love you ! but he was showing off and it took away from the set, you may disagree but I’ve seen him numerous times.. and it was a tad hard to dance to... Dj Assult, hillar, simply hillar. this night for me was about wondering... ohh acid craziness.. and i didn’t sleep till well into Sunday, but it was worth it, ohhh the stories I have

Just random listing of people who made my weekend what it was, because they are faboo:
Nessa & Adam - my favorite couple ever
Shann - hiding! acid! fun! my fav of the weekend!
Cotter- yup, you’re the best
Megan - soooo cute, lovin’
Willy- crazy willy! riddles 4 life
Fawn - never dissapoints "The Legand"
Nick - I’ll save you anytime
cOlin - awwww, hehe, glad things are normal again
Kellan - barf-shirt-bag & walkie talkies, i luv
Sunshine - boOb grab
Heather - I’m glad you came
Michie - so great
Corey - 16!!! heheh, kidding... our talks were good
Jane - t’was a pleasure meeting you
Erynn - sexi as always
probably about a dozen more... and so many more that i met for the first time and loved... forgive me? i’m the most tired
[and I didn’t hang out with some people i REALLY wanted to, :/]
Ama- wasn’t there *tear* but I rolled around for her

all n all - good weekend
UPS and downs but isn’t everything?
next yr, if there is one... hotel styles.. all the way
and some people need to know when the party should stop
-next time i ask you to think, don't give me a blank stare
-saul williams
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