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Old December 25th, 2002, 11:56 PM   #19
*BunnE*'s Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Slowville
The post by oOFuzzEOo was made by me; So I will respond to it.
i think you need to get your facts straight here.... (oh.. how i love cutting apart people's posts)...

Think very highly of yourself don't you?
maybe because they are on exstacy? hrm... their mind is in another dimension? Many people that take exstacy end up being very depressed, lonely and sad when they are not under the influence.. this is why they do it more... and more... and more. All of a sudden they have an addiction to it. Problem #1

Quite the opposite actually. Everyone I know that rolls on a fairly regular basis (more than twice a year and less than every weekend) are extremely open-minded, friendly, out-going people. People that have fun with or without the aid of a mind-altering substance. They are also neither depressed, nor sad or lonely. They are actually wuite happy people. The addiction you speak of isn't necessary. They don't need an artifical happiness; they are fine without it.
yea.. it sucks when dealers mix in a little drain cleaner with your e eh? Nothing like a shitty buzz..... COMMON! are you blind? Let's deal with the ROOT of the problem... not the immediate tip of it... if you didn't have the users of e around, the dealers would not be able to survive... the exstacy business would go plummeting down. so... for this reason alone, i do say it's the users that are the problem. PROBLEM #2

Last I checked, dealers didn't know what they were selling. It was the chemisists. And I don't know who the hell you buy off of..but if I were to buy something, I would buy from someone who has either tested them, or that I know has an idea what is in it. People that tell you straight out how much of everything is in it, are bullshitting you. It's the chemisists that are the problem. The users are merely using what they enjoy.
you assume very quickly... break down assume...
you're making an ASS out of U and ME..... think about it when you finally get down off your current high.

You have your head so far up your ass it's making it difficult for you to think correctly isn't it? You made an ass out of yourself thinking that I was high. Who says that I ingest anything?
true... i think a lot of the whole "vibe" is created because of drugs. but if you knew who i was, you'd notice i don't need drugs to have fun, and at hulla i had quite the energy running around making new friends and chatting it up with people. no drugs needed.

That's nice, I'm glad you had fun. Whether or not I take a drug is my decision, as it is anyone else's. You don't need them, or seem to want them. Other's do. Leave them be.
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