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Old January 12th, 2003, 01:48 AM   #16
Mrs Frolic
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Join Date: Jul 1999
Location: Toronto
> Or some good lovin' down under...

This is our honeymoon, that's automatic!

> that...was...GREAT!

I speak only the truth. I remember once, way back when for one of our big parties, Mr Frolic suddenly realizes ON THE THURSDAY BEFORE THE PARTY, that we didn't give tickets to one of the outlets. He was afraid of getting yelled at, so he made ME go deliver them!

I waxed my legs in preparation for being on the beach because I didn't want the hassle of shaving them. My opinion of the whole home-waxing idea is pretty negative at the moment. That wax shit gets EVERYWHERE. And it HURTS. Far moreso than when you have it professionally done. (Oddly enough though, there's almost something satisfying about it, it's like picking a scab when you were a kid or something.)

I am so ready to spend massive amounts of time snoozing on the beach and body-boarding. I used to body-board every summer day when I lived in southern California and it's one of the things I missed most when I moved up here. It'll be nice to be around waves again.
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