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Old February 9th, 2003, 11:57 PM   #38
Penguin Bashing Champion! High Score: 3235 
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Wow!! Awsome party! I was dancing up a storm, but I was sooo tried that I left right after D-Minus' set....

So many people were there.. can't remember them all.... You all know who you are! Thanks for making this a special hullabaloo! I feel loved. *snickers*

Okay now for the review!

DJ Wolf - I have to say Wolf was the best set of the night... and if your reading this Chris, next time put the guy on later! He was on way to early.. his time slot didn't do him justice.

D-Minus - Wicked! As always! Loved your closing choon!

Capital J - Holy smokes, it's been a while since I've heard a set like that.. He was so into his set, and has mad skills on the decks!

Vibes - Ok ok.. so it wasn't what I was expecting, but he dropped some tunes that almost made me wet myself...

Frolic - What can be said... You rock buddy! Happy to hear you can play in the US again! You always seem to have this smile on your face when your on the decks, it just gets me soooo pumped! I know your always having a blast! Thanks for another great Hulla, and as the MC said it thanks for the Power of Dreams!

P.S. The vibe was so amazing, I didn't want it to end! Even though I hardly know most of you, I'll probably never forget you.

P.P.S. BeBe thanks for the wicked bracelet!
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