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Old July 6th, 2003, 03:09 PM   #8
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And it goes a little something like this...

Robin was very gentle taking my wristband Hullabavirginity, and let me tell you, it was better for me than it was for her.

Jarefox was in fine form in the warmup, and I was full of more butterflies than Mr. T is of middle fingers.

Wolfs set was probably my absolute favourite time on the mic in the 3 years I've been at this. His mixing was smooth, his track selection was killer, and I have NEVER played to such an incredible crowd. More on this later.

I boozed it up with the 19+ massif all the way through Silver1 (bangin'), Spinz (bouncin'), and Brisk (FUUUUUUCK!), and then joined the floor fillers for Frolic.

Frolic, your set was everything an Anabolic Frolic set should be- non-stop floor movers, monstrous anthems, and E-by-Gum made it Hullabaloo. I still haven't stopped smiling at that one. Brilliant.

Frisky, you never dissappoint- you've formed your own style, your own breed of happycore, and you're going far for a reason, and you proved it tonight. Gobstoppa was in fine form as usual- the energy he brings to the crowd is unbelievable.

Elixir, that Human Traffic track made me jizz in my knickers!

D-Minus, I was too tired to get past 15 minutes of your set, but I'll watch for the recording, and bounce in my car, garaunteed!

Shout outs:

K-spigga... my #1 groupie, KEMF promoter, and all around stand up fellow. It wouldn't be partying if you weren't there.

Wolf... Fucking brilliant. Gatecrasher by New Years!

Frolic... I can't thank you enough.... honestly...

Robin... I haven't seen you have this much fun at a party in forever and ever...

Jumper... nothing needs be said, I told you at the bar.

Gobstoppa... Same as above.

Mandy... no words are required! <3 <3 <3

KerOn... I KNOW you wanted fun fur on this one. I can see it in your eyes!

Darren & Caitie... I hope it was everything that lasting memories are made of!

Leah... *unf* You're my love and laughter, when skies are grey!

HM... dude, you constantly restore my faith that hardcore is alive and well!

Tranzit... you dodgy fuck, nice seeing you on this one!

Polina the Boy... no elbows, no kicking, no squirming, no drawing. Only happy vibes allowed!

Iris... <3 <3 <3 Hulla wouldn't be the same without you!

Jen & bizznatch... You guys always make my night- such happy vibes from every orifice!

Spunn & bizznatch... You were rocking out hard, and I was loving watching it!

2CB & Jimmyhoppa... great to see you both having a wicked fucking time!!!

Barrie Crew... finally we can keep in touch... mulletville won't know what hit it!!!

My memorable moments:

"It's the one, the only, Aaaaanabolic Frolic!"

"Each and every last posse, and every last crew
Sound off if you love the Hullabalooooooo!" *deafening noise* *Set You Free*

Seeing the ENTIRE venue, from top to bottom, front to back go utterly bonkers when Sunrise dropped.

Frolic & Robin dancing...

"Oi, Frisky & D-Minus are a couple of homos!"

I can't wait to hear the recordings, especially Wolf's lame excuse for a set, and also to see any and all party pics! wOOt!

MC Everybodies*InternationallyKnown*Daddy
Dirty Little Secrets

Hot + Dirty
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