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Old July 8th, 2003, 03:34 AM   #13
Mrs Frolic
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Join Date: Jul 1999
Location: Toronto
I've had two days to process and wanted to share my thoughts.

I always enjoy our parties but for after you do something for awhile it becomes somewhat routine. I suppose it's like working in a candy store, eventually candy just isn't that exciting for you anymore. Although they're fun and I always like meeting people and interacting with them, I suppose the parties had lost their wonder for me.

Well, I felt it on Saturday night. It was the first time in a long time that I stood up on stage and looked out over the crowd and had that sense of wonder and gratitude. It's almost a feeling of astonishment, that normal people can come together and create something that beautiful and warm and joyous.

There seems to be some sort of cosmic consciousness that people tap into sometimes. There's a shared emotion and energy that bounces from person to person, becoming magnified and ever-expanding. I remember being onstage at one of our early parties at the News, looking at the crowd, each person doing their individualistic and repetitive dances. I suddenly saw them as a giant brain, each person a neuron repeatedly firing, flashing a signal to the next, each a small yet vital part in this greater whole. Individual yet interconnected, separate yet unified.

For a long time now I think our parties have just been parties to me. Last Saturday made me remember that they're not just parties, they're Hullabaloo!, and I am grateful to have been a part of this movement and these events. The experience of throwing these parties has had a profound impact on my development both as an individual person, and as a couple with Chris.

Without all of you we could not do any of this. Thank you all for coming and sharing your time, your energy, and your love with us. Thank you for sharing this journey, and I hope we don't come to the end of this path for a long, long time.

I can only finish with a phrase that I long ago discounted as cheesy and trite, but it seems more appropriate than anything else: PLUR. Peace, love, unity, and respect. I love you all.
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