Thread: FITS reviews
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Old September 24th, 2003, 12:04 PM   #65
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Originally posted by DynamicHalfDuo

And last, but most assuredly not least, the hullabaravers themselves... in all my life, I've never met a group of people so amazing, accepting, intelligent, friendly, and compassionate. The music is astounding... the dancing is awesome... but it's the people that keep bringing me back. I savour every minute I spend in Toronto with you guys, and when I talk about friendship, it's the ravers that are on my mind. Thanks for being special, and proving to me that my faith in humanity isn't misplaced.

w0000t soooo true, I keep coming back again and again to toronto and its the people who keep me coming back, the hulla atmosphere, is just phenomonal
Remember when we first met, Friends until the end, I'll hold you in my heart, until we meet again!
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