Thread: FITS reviews
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Old September 25th, 2003, 11:05 AM   #71
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Ottawa
well I've finally gone through this entire review thread. And my review for the party, well all I have to say is WOW!


I came from Ottawa with my friends Robb Pepertree, Anatoli, and Tasha and omg! what an amazing night! I don't even know where to start!

We weren't quite sure where the Opera house was because I had only been there once 2 years ago for iDance, but we found some very nice ravers who helped us on the way, whoever you gals are, thanx!

shout outs to the Ottawa crew who was there: myself, Robb Pepertree, Anatoli, and Tasha! it was cool when I asked MC Gobstopper to give a shout out to the Ottawa crew during Scott brown's set and he did

shout out to Will & Amy! I love you guys so much and glad I ran into you at Hulla!

shout out to Peter (belladonnakillz) who came out! awsome seeing you again buddy! you must come back to Ottawa and play my piano again

thanx to the Friendship crew for the This is Hullabaloo cd! omg! best cd ever! I havn't taken it out of my diskman yet cause its so damn good!

This night was so wonderful and magical in SO many ways, the music, the crowd, the candy kids, just everything made it the most incredible night ever! I was losing faith in raving because of the way the Ottawa rave scene is, but then going to this Hullabaloo totally changed everything for me and gave me more faith!

sets of the night:

Scott Brown: HE IS A GOD!!! truly a memorable set and it was SO worth it seeing you for my first time at a Hullabaloo! I got to meet him and get my picture taken with him.

D Minus: never ceases to amaze me! I always love your track selection and you made me go COMPLETLY NUTS when you played TIll the Day (my all time favourite track next to Follow Me)

Anabolic Frolic: you made my night when you played Follow me by Force & Styles! next to Till the Day! best track ever and I FLIPPED when you played it! and then you blew me away by playing MORE force & styles and Field of Dreams! also, Fires in the Sky, that's also one of my new favourite tracks now! I can't stop playing it!

Silver 1: I missed your set because we left right after D Minus but I got to see you in Ottawa the week before playing a classic anthem/hhc set at Ascension 2! Ottawa was spoiled that night even though it wasn't a huge turn out

Anyways, there is so much more that I want to say but I think this review is already long enough ( can't remember the last time I wrote a review this long)

I will DEFINATELY try and make it out for Enchated on December 6th because Hullabaloo's are TRULY THE BEST RAVES EVER!

when we look at modern man we have to face the facts, that modern man suffers from the kind of poverty of the spirit which stands in glarring contrast to a scienctific and technological abundance we learned to fly the allied birds we learned to swim the seas like fish and yet we havn't learned to walk to earth as brothers and sisters.
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