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Old December 9th, 2003, 02:52 AM   #78
Friendship Crew
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it would have been a great party for me if....

#1. the guy who drove me up could actually drive. he was jut a really bad driver at night, let alone in the blizzard coming out of nyc. and he was tired and it took us getting into two car accidents before he would pull over at a rest stop and sleep for a few hours. we fucking hit the siderail and a fucking semi! a huge ass truck! and i dont mean that was like an ice thing, he started driving a little off the road and we went on those bumpy noisy things that are on the sides and tehn he realized he was going off the road so he pulls back into the lane without even looking behind him tosee if anyone as coming and he dorve right into a semi! miraculously, we did more damage to teh truck than it did to us, and no one was hurt. but that had potential to be really really bad. the siderail problem was at least an ice problem, i think he was just falling asleep tho... so yeah, i'm a little leary about taking rides from people i dont know well now.

#2. Because of all the accidents and general stress, i didn't sleep a wink the whole night. the night before i was up with school stuff and only got about four hours, but i figured that would be okay because i could get quite a few hours in the car. i was never so wrong in my life. after the driver was finally convinced it wasnt safe for him to drive he finally let erika drive, so i stayed awake the whole time keeping erika company while he slept. so by the time i finally got to the party, i was completely beat. it was great to see my friends and stuff, but it took a long time for me to get up teh enrgy to really dance. after a while of forcing myself to stay awake and dance because id been thru hell to even get there, i finally got my second wind and was able to dance.

#3. the smoke!!! i thought you couldn't smoke in the opera house!? usually you see some people smoking anyways, but that night it loooked like fucking everyone in the place had a cigarette in their hand. the air was like a big cloud. i have mild asthma and usually smoke doesn't bother me, but the air was just full of smoke! so every breath i took in was full of smoke too... and after a while i just couldnt dance anymore when i realized hwo heavy my chest felt and that i couldnt even get a full breath of air into my lungs. like i said, my asthma is really mild and i never relaly had a problem with it and i hadnt used my inhaler in weeks, so it wans't in my bag, it was on my desk at home. so i went down in the hall near the guys bathroom with two of my firends because it wasnt smokey down there, and i thought htat maybe if i took a break for a while things would get better but they didnt, and i definitly could breathe and thought i was going to pass out, so my friend leah got one of the medics and they had an inhaler i could use, and all was well after a little while. i did find them later in the night and use it again too when things started looking bad again to head it off before it got to the point it was before

#4. taking the greyhound home... i wasn't planning on spending that much money, but my safety came first, so i hitched a ride back to buffalo with my friends from home and took the greyhound from there back to nyc. my mom was against me going this time from the very begining, but she said she'd reimburse me for half of the bus ticket if i wrote her a little essay about five things i've learned from the whole thing.. lol

those are really my only complaints. the party itself was totally great. i jsut wish that it wasn't such a high stress/no sleep weekend so i could have just enjoyed it. but apparently that wasn't going to happen this time. oh well tho! i still had a lot of fun, maybe not my usual amount of fun, but i'm still glad i got there, and there's always next time
let it sparkle
let it shine
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