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Old February 14th, 2004, 02:56 PM   #1
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thanks for the best birthday EVAR

hey people, I don't normally post reviews or threads after Hullas but I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone for the bestest birthday Hulla evar. It was insane. Never had so many birthday hugs and kisses, I had the time of my life. I will never forget my 22nd birthday!

So thanks to Frolic & Robin for picking the right date and for continuing to throw the best parties on the planet. Congratulations on the little raverbaby

Thanks to James, Raoul, Jen and Shane for refusing to let me
work the booth all night. I <3 you guys

Thanks to Pete and Ian for the birthday shouts and the love.

Thanks to AC and Sarci and Joey and Rachel and Erik for being the awesomest and driving all the way up here. I'm glad I could celebrate my birthday with you guys <3

Thanks to Robot Pilot Crew, Spunn and Steve Surreal you're some of the nicest people I know

Thanks to Tika (<3 you) I had too much fun!

Thanks to Barry and the Rochester crew for the good times!

There are way too many people but thanks to everyone for the best birthday a girl could wish for !
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