Thread: Happy Hulla!!!
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Old July 17th, 2004, 06:37 PM   #17
anabolic frolic
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Originally Posted by Skittles17
I disagree with this statement. I myself feel that Gobstopper is the Ultimate Hardcore MC. His rhymes are so much better than Storm's, and he puts out a hell of alot more energy than Storm does. I'm not talking shit on Storm what so ever, believe me, I'm not. He is def. agreat MC, but I feel that Gobstopper can work the crowd better than Storm. If you look at the 2 while their on stage doing their thing, it seems to me that Gobstopper is having more fun, and that is the key! Once again, this is my opinion

Well, there's a reason why Gobstopper works for us regularly .
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