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Old August 31st, 2004, 05:01 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by brooklynhype
Siouxsie is gunna be the slutty nurse..
I'm gunna be the over dosed patient..
And Chip is supposed to be the evil doctor..

Yay!!! I'm not washing my hair for a week before that.. just so i'll smell like a drug addict.. hah.
I'm glad I decided against my labcoat for this party, I was gonna be a "pharmacist"-u guys are gonna look cute! No me I'm going for freaky aliens and my usual hot pink oriented attire this time, save the labcoat for another party- which leads me to a question-I noticed it says "no backpacks" on the flyer, does that mean actual school-sized backpacks? Cuz i have a mini backback that is critical to my ensemble and to store my mounds of candy in, so this concerned me. I mean the parties I go to here (NY) have rules that never end up being applied for the most part, and I've never been to a party in Canada outside of WEMF (which there were obviously unapplicaple rules) so yeah. Just curious.
That Hardcore Beotch Mz Gina!
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