Thread: Pic Thread
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Old December 15th, 2004, 08:58 AM   #71
nekokandykid's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: north york, toronto, ontario
OK sum1 help me....i am trying to find a surten pic! im the dude with the yellow pants purple monster fur with white tips leg warmers, a white shirt and blue farie wings. at some point i had a black viser on with a bunch of hat clips and rainbow cloths pegs and kitty ears (i took that viser n ears off l8er on in the night) BUT ANYWAYS at some point i was hanging out in the girls washroom and there was a group photo taken of a bunch of girls in the washroom and i was in the pic with them....does ANY1 have this pic or know where i can find it!...this is a picture i REALLY want so if you can find it for tell me where i can get it that would be GREAT!!!
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