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Old February 7th, 2005, 03:41 PM   #1
DJ Saiyan
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i have to address something.

I'm sure by now almost all of you have heard what happened, so there's no need for me to explain. I do have to say that I am disappointed, embarassed, even disgusted with myself. I made a very stupid decision and paid for it dearly. I would like to apologize to everybody who ended up taking care of me, Chris, Robin and everyone with Hullabaloo, the girl I fell on, and well, pretty much everybody else. I was extremely stupid, and for that I am very, very sorry.

Now what I really need to address is a rumor floating around, that I apparently attempted to hit a security guard. I dont know who the hell came up with this, or why its being spread around but it is completely untrue. First of all, I was unconscious. and completely unresponsive. So how in the hell am I supposed to hit someone when Im out cold? Instead of sleep walking, sleep punching? Come on now. Second of all, if I HAD taken a shot at a security guard, I would count on the Opera House security giving me a licking then tossing me in the street, or handing me over to the police. And it would be well deserved. Since I have no bruises, broken bones, sore spots, or any other physical injury, save for a scrape on my arm that happened after I left, and I didnt wake up in a holding cell, I must not have taken a shot at anyone.

Rumors such as this do nothing but hurt, and I dont recall doing anything bad to anyone that would warrant something like this getting spread around. This is the sort of thing I would expect in high school.

Anyways, I think I've said just about all that needs saying. On that note, I'm going to return to my regularly scheduled program, and try and learn from my mistake.

-Shane (DJ Saiyan)

p.s. i think the badger gave me roofies.
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