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Old May 20th, 2005, 12:47 AM   #12
Friendship Crew
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Sunny Southern California
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First Hulla? Power of Dreams - February of 2003
What does Hulla mean to you? It means a lot. It's where I've met a lot of my really good friends, and bonded with some of my now best friends. It's where I learned that people really can and do like you for who you are, whether you're wearing jeans or fun fur. As long as you've got a smile on your face, the world's your oyster.
What do you think Hulla means to the scene? I think Hulla means a lot to the scene. I'm still a relative newb, so I'm in no place to say how great it was in it's hey-day, but I think the fact that a promotions company that now hits capacity at 850 people, and plays primarily a still-underground form of music can attract people from across the globe speaks volumes for what it's meant to the scene.
Your ultimate Hulla set/memory: By far it was walking into my first hulla. Sunny told the friendship crew upon our arrival that it was my first hulla, and I was bestowed my first (of many) whistle and smothered with hugs and "Happy Hullas!" That set the tone for the evening. I'd never knew I could feel so loved by so many strangers all at once.
Share a funny Hulla party anecdote: whenever someone at hulla tells you to lick their arm, your first instinct is no. I say do might taste good!
Your own space to add anything you want (shout outs, thoughts etc..): I want to thank everyone, especially the Frolics, for making these past two years absolutely spectacular. There's nothing I look forward to more than a Hullabaweekend, especially now since they're a bit fewer and farther between for me. Your hugs, stickers, bracelets, necklaces, notes, and photos mean the world to me. It's my hope that even though Hullas have to end, the magic never dies [/sappy]

You can't miss me, I'm the girl with the smile

Shake like an earthquake, and cut like a guillotine
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