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Old June 30th, 2005, 02:44 PM   #1
anabolic frolic
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Some bad news...

MC Storm will not be able to attend All Good Things. In what has to be a severe case of misfortune, Storm's water heater exploded burning his house down. How does this affect his coming over here? Well, he lost all his possessions, including his birth certificate and passport. He had been waiting for a replacement birth certificate so he could apply for a replacement passport but today was the point of no return. It's impossible for this to happen now. No one is more disappointed about all of this than Storm, as missing out on this Hulla is a cherry on top of everything he's gone through lately.

Also on the MC front, I've just found out that MC JD will also not be able to make it. He signed with a UK record label and is currently over there recording for them. He had hoped he would be back in time for Hulla, but that's turned out to not be the case. We wish JD all the best with that venture of course, and know he's on to big things.

So, a shame that everything can't go the way we would have liked, but regardless it will still be the most incredible night any of us will be a part of.
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