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Old July 11th, 2005, 11:41 AM   #1
spacekaddette's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
Smile I have been inspired.

I am a very new raver. I'm not going to lie. Lost in Space was my first party. But when I walked in I felt like I was home. I felt like I was in heaven. I was changed from that point on. I had watched a movie called 24 Hour Party People, and in the movie, Tony Wilson says that he found out what he was supposed to do with the rest of his life by going to a Sex Pistols show. When I went to Hullabaloo, I realized what I have to do with the rest of my life.

I have met some amazing people for only going to two Hullabaloos, but these two events have changed me for the rest of my life. I didn't even think that I was going to go to All Good Things, but then Libbie came through for me and got me two tickets. I made my own outfit and I had so much kandi that it was almost to my shoulder. I was so happy, truely happy. I wasn't even feeling good for most of the night. I was throwing up in the bathroom for a good portion of the night, but I got out there and danced my ass off. It was so great seeing all the smiling faces, that and the music is what truely made me feel better.

There is no greater feeling than knowing I have finally found myself. I have been so confused for so long, gone through so many phases, but nothing has made me feel like I feel right now. I have never been so certain about what I want to do with my life. Frolic has inspired me to try and do the same thing that he has done. Even if I don't accomplish it, I will feel just great knowing I have tried. I want to become a dj. I want to start Kandi Land, my raver's paradise. I want to do all that. I want to start something big. My boyfriend's Uncle is actually a promoter, so after hearing what he has gone through to run events, it doesn't seem that far off as I imagined. I realize that nothing can compare to Hullabaloo, but I just want to give it my all and try and make my dream come true. Dream high and live in the sky is what I always told people because that's how you do the unthinkable. I know most of you just think I'm full of shit and that everyone feels like that when they start raving, but I really don't care what anyone thinks. I'm kind of afraid that I am too late for all of this, but I have decided that I am going to bring one new person to a party each time I have gone to one, after the last person said, "I have found heaven, and it's Hullabaloo". I wish more of you would feel the way I do, we could do something big, change the world, but I'm fine with my ideas, dreams and apsirations, and I just hope I can accomplish them and have some of you come to my events one day.

I just want to thank you all for making my experience unforgettable. I felt that I had to let all of you know that you have changed the life of at least one person, and that you all should feel special for doing so. It's just not the music that changed me, it's the vibe, the happy people, that effort everyone puts out there when they come to a party. When we all grow up, think about all the stories we will have to tell our kids. We have lived a life that is truely magical, and that's what I'm thankful for most of all. Thank you for giving this all to me. I will never forget any of this, and I am going to work my ass off in trying to get out there and do my best to support the scene.

Peace and Hugs,

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