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Old July 12th, 2005, 12:09 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Robin Frolic

I was so shocked, and at first I thought it was a joke because it didnt make any sense that someone would say that.

We had an incident earlier that night where a girl got kicked out for smoking inside, and when I said I wasn't willing to intervene on her behalf with security, she and her boyfriend got quite irate. (IMO, the rules against smoking inside are REALLY clear, so she should have known better.) As I left he yelled essentially the same thing, so I suspect he just went back into the party and that was him at the end of the night.

Let’s clarify

I was doing something wrong, that is true, but you could have done something

The fact that you were willing to intervene for one person and not the other says something about you.
I completely understand and respect security for doing their jobs.
You on the other hand were not doing your job.. It was the easy way out
You simply did not care.

Please don’t tell me it was that important to keep me out
Because the moment that the owner saw me he let me IN without a second thought..
I had to miss an hour as a consequence.
I was happier then ever to get back in, and I most def. learnt my lesson.

However.. When it comes to people saying how amazing you are.. Speaking for my personal experience I cannot agree.. And neither can my boyfriend..
The fact that you came out for 2 sec. just to say fuck off to me (yes you did say that indirectly) when I did nothing that is nearly as horrible..Yeh whatever.

we did not get escorted out..upon yelling fuck you robin (ironically it was the same security guard)
so stop assuming and get your fuckin facts straight.

and get over yourself lol.. everyone gets told to fuck off once in your life.. That’s low of you to try and send security to shut someone up for exercising their right to free speech.


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