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Old August 1st, 2005, 09:48 PM   #13
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Saint Louis
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Lol... why would you three be SO HAPPY that the tracks are NOT listed?

Who cares if you are right? hhahaha that would be like getting in an argument and saying to your friend: I have cancer.. and then your friend says you dont. So you get into a big fight, and then go to the doctor and find out you really do have cancer, and then go to your friend and say: HA I am right.

By asking about the track lists, I am not trying to step on any toes. It is just something that would be nice, especially for people who are not so into the music that they know every track.


PS - Adding song titles into CD-Text is a relatively simple task especially when compared with re-mastering and editting. Since the evening was probably recorded in one huge continuous file (or most likely seperated into 8 or nine one-hour sets due to windows maximum file size limitations), there needs to be a .CUE (or equivilent) file used to tell the burner where to split the tracks or else you get a huge 1 track cd. These .cue files ALSO contain the information about the song titles in cd-text. So in order to add the titles, the only amount of time it would take would be the time it took to type the names on a keyboard. Unless of course there is an entirely different and unnecessarily complicated method used to burn the final product.
I'm Standing here in my Field of dreams, your love has passed me by it seems, and the sun is seen on your face for another daaaay (Heard best in Bonkers 9, Hixxy's Mix, track 7.... of course)
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