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Old April 17th, 2001, 01:14 AM   #76
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Re: spice?

Originally posted by sketchy j
i can't believe you people are getting all excited about Spice. i've seen that guy spin far too many time, and he's a lousy dj. the guy has trouble beatmatching: a lot of his longer mixes are rough (i mean fuck, this should be second nature to anybody who calls themself a "dj"). add to this that his phrasing is just "drop the record wherever" and he puts no thought into his track selection and i have to wonder why people even bother with him.

of course just about any Toronto raver wouldn't know a good dj from an amature if their life depended on it. most only choose their favourite dj based on if he plays their favourite track or not (or how much e they were on when they last saw him). big fucking suprise.

but let me tell you, anybody who thinks Spice is a decent dj has no idea what the fuck they're talking about.


Fuck that, spice has fucking amazing track selections, I'm sorry if his mixing skills arn't the greatest, but who the fuck cares? He tries and Pleases those who appreciate real trance and what it can do for a party.

Grow the fuck up jackass, people are allowed to like whatever the hell they want. I happen to love what spice spins, so don't go telling me I am an idiot for doing it.

Go back to Russia fuckhead.
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